This was not an easy theme for me, & I kept putting it off & putting it off. I just couldn't figure out what a "pocket of light" meant. After some failed pictures one night, I decided to take things easy & not stress over it anymore. I told myself that I might just have to settle. Yesterday morning, I decided to go for a walk with my babes. I kept thinking, "take your camera, take your camera" but didn't want to have to cart it around with me. Last minute, I grabbed it, put it in the bottom of the stroller & took off. I hoped that perhaps I might find something that would grab my attention at the park & would work out perfectly for the assignment. I wasn't having any luck . . . until the end. As I was getting ready to leave, I saw some shadows on the ground by the picnic tables & had an ah-ha moment. I still don't know if this constitutes "pocket of light," but I like the picture so much better than anything else I got. I love the bold lines created by the light coming through the beams up above & the fact that it looks like he's almost sliding to the bottom of the picture. I'm so happy I could come away with a picture that I love for this assignment b/c I was close to settling for something far less than stellar.
And in case the above picture doesn't count(?) (I'm seriously confused by this concept.), I'll add another for safe measure.
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